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Al-Mutayam 2 - The origin of human presence in Mecca
Price: 152.00 EG 190.00EGP
"In the first part of the book 'Al-Mutayyam', we talked about the story of creation and the purpose for which we were created, and we answered many of the doubts related to the issue of human guidance and choice: Why doesn’t Allah admit all of us to Paradise, and why does Allah create things and then forbid them to us, and other doubts related to this issue. Then we talked about the divisions of the Arabs (Al-Aaribah, Al-Mustaaribah, and Al-Ba’idah), and we mentioned why we explain these classifications? And what is the impact of knowing these divisions on the study of the blessed biography. And in front of you – O reader - is the second part of the book 'Al-Mutayyam', in which we will talk about the history of Yemen; this ancient history which is one of the pillars of this blessed biography. We will talk about the kings who ruled Yemen in ancient times, and you will see that everyone used to kill each other for the sake of ruling, and you will also see how Allah protected the Kaaba from the hand of the Abyssinian commander Abraha; so that you can form an image in your mind about the conditions of the Sacred House at that time. You will understand and realize that Allah was preparing this Arabian region for an important matter, that is, the mission of the seal of the prophets, our Messenger Muhammad ﷺ. And we will talk about the history of the ancient house: what is the story of this house? When did human presence begin in Mecca, and other matters related to the history of this blessed area so that you can stand on the first step that ascends to the pulpit of light, the pulpit of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, so that you stand from the highest mountain of certainty with a wise eye seeing with a shining vision how Islam originated, and how all the difficulties and obstacles were overcome."