Al-Mutayam 3 - Najm Ahmed

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Al-Mutayam 3 - Najm Ahmed

Price: 116.00 EG 145.00EGP

In the previous section, we talked about the history of the ancient house that Allah permitted to be raised for worship, and we also talked about Judaism and Christianity in the lands of the Arabs, and how these two religions entered these lands to ignite conflict between them. We clarified the extent of the chaos in which the Arabs lived before Islam, and how circumstances required the savior who raises the banner of truth and reconciles the hearts of people to him. And here is the third part of the book "Al-Mutayyam" where we live with the birth of the Prophet of guidance and the best of mankind, our master Muhammad ibn Abdullah ﷺ. We will review the environment in which the Prophet ﷺ was born, its roots, and the environment in which he grew up, to see how the vision seen by one of the kings of Yemen was realized and narrated to Abdul Muttalib regarding the nearness of the Prophet Muhammad's mission ﷺ. We will also talk about a very important issue; namely the issue of revelation, and we will pause briefly with this issue to review together some important points in it, and we will start these points in this part by talking about the nature of revelation, and about the personality of the Prophet ﷺ, whether it was an imaginary or a real personality, and what the Torah and the Gospel said about him ﷺ. Then we will conclude this part by answering a question that imposes itself: Why do they deny him ﷺ while the Quran records his existence, and history testifies to him ﷺ?
